Missouri State Board of Nursing Collaborative Practice Agreement

The Missouri State Board of Nursing Collaborative Practice Agreement: An Overview

The Missouri State Board of Nursing (MSBN) has established a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) that outlines the working relationship between advanced practice nurses (APNs) and physicians. This agreement aims to improve the quality of healthcare for Missourians by allowing APNs to practice to their full scope of practice while maintaining patient safety. In this article, we will provide an overview of the CPA and its significance.

What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

A CPA is a written agreement that outlines the working relationship between a physician and an APN. It specifies the scope of practice for the APN, their responsibilities, and the physician`s role in the collaboration. The CPA also outlines the process for ongoing communication and documentation of the collaboration.

The Missouri State Board of Nursing requires APNs to have a CPA with a physician to practice in Missouri. This agreement is necessary for an APN to be licensed in Missouri since it shows that the APN is collaborating with a physician to provide safe and effective patient care.

Why is a Collaborative Practice Agreement Important?

The CPA is important because it ensures that APNs are practicing to their full scope of practice while maintaining patient safety. Collaboration between APNs and physicians is essential in providing high-quality patient care. The CPA provides a framework for this collaboration and ensures that the APN and physician are working together to improve patient outcomes.

Moreover, the CPA promotes the effective use of healthcare resources. It allows APNs to perform tasks that are within their scope of practice, which reduces the workload of physicians. This way, physicians can concentrate on their specialty while APNs handle tasks that do not necessarily require a physician`s attention.

How to Establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

The Missouri State Board of Nursing has established requirements that APNs and physicians must meet to establish a CPA. These include:

1. APN must have a current and valid Missouri nursing license and be certified in their advanced practice specialty.

2. The physician must have a current and valid Missouri medical license and be board-certified in their specialty.

3. The CPA must be in writing, signed by the APN and physician.

4. The CPA must specify the scope of practice for the APN, their responsibilities, and the physician`s role in the collaboration.

5. The CPA must outline the process for ongoing communication and documentation of the collaboration.


In conclusion, the Missouri State Board of Nursing Collaborative Practice Agreement is crucial in ensuring APNs are practicing to their full scope of practice, maintaining patient safety, and effective use of healthcare resources. APNs and physicians must meet the established requirements to establish a CPA. The CPA provides a framework for a collaborative effort between the APN and physician to provide high-quality patient care. By establishing a CPA, APNs can practice to the fullest of their capabilities and help improve the quality of healthcare in Missouri.

Publicado: 23 febrero, 2022